Masonic symbols provide a visual means of attaining the beginnings of Masonic Education.
Breakfast for Learning is the leading, national non-profit organization solely dedicated to child nutrition programs in Canada.
We know that through feeding hungry children, we also nurture strong minds and provide students with the best chance of success possible.
Amalgamation Mount Sinai Lodge – The Lodge of the Pillars No. 522 G.R.C.
Wor Masters, M.W. Bro Raymond S.J. Daniels GM GLCPOO, R.W. Bro. Michael A. Litvak DDGM TDV, R. W. Bro. Donald A. Campbell ,Distinguished Head table, Brethren,
On behalf of the brethren of Mount Sinai–Pillars Lodge, I thank you, R. W. Bro. Donald A. Campbell for those kind words and to you brethren, for your enthusiastic response of the same.
You can not be invited to join masonry. In most jurisdictions this is strictly forbidden. A mason can talk to you about masonry, can tell you many things about the lodge, the history of the fraternity, the ideals… but he can not invite you to join. So if you are interested – you have to ask for yourself. It’s not something you should be worried about – most masons will be proud to be asked!
Masonic symbols provide a visual means of attaining the beginnings of Masonic Education.
The doors of Freemasonry are open to men who seek harmony with their fellow man, feel the need for self-improvement and wish to participate in making this world a better place to live.
What Does “Free” Mean? By John Shroeder
Freemasonry is the oldest and largest world wide fraternity dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of a Supreme Being.
Freemasonry is the oldest and largest world wide fraternity dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of a Supreme Being. Although of a religious nature, Freemasonry is not a religion. It urges its members, however, to be faithful and devoted to their own religious beliefs.
The organization of Freemasonry is based on a system of Grand Lodges, each sovereign within its own territory. There is no central authority governing all Grand Lodges. However, to be acknowledged by others, acceptable traditions, standards and practices must be maintained.
In our Province the governing body is called the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario. It is under the leadership of the Grand Master. He presides over 53,000 Masons who belong to one or more of the 587 lodges in our jurisdiction. Each of these lodges is under the direction of a Worshipful Master.
As a fraternity, Freemasonry provides an opportunity for men to meet and enjoy friendly companionship. In the spirit of helpfulness and brotherly love and guided by strict moral principles it encourages goodwill toward all mankind. Freemasonry is of a personal nature in its private ceremonies. Its ritual dramatizes a philosophy of life based on morality. It promotes self improvement. The tools of operative masons are used to symbolize and teach the basic principles of brotherly love, charity, and truth which Masons are encouraged to practice in their daily lives. Charity is a tangible way in which Masons help those whose circumstances in life fairly warrant it.
Our traditions can be traced directly to the associations of operative masons. They were men of outstanding character and high ideals, who built the cathedrals, abbeys, and castles of the Middle Ages.
With the decline of cathedral building in the 17th Century, many guilds of stonemasons, called “Operative” masons, started to accept into their membership those who were not members of the masons’ craft and called them “Speculative” or “Accepted” masons.
It was in these groups, called lodges, comprised mainly of “Accepted” masons that Freemasonry, as we know it today, had its beginning.
In 1717, four such lodges, which had been meeting regularly in London, united to form the first Grand Lodge of England under the direction of a Grand Master. From that first Grand Lodge, Freemasonry has spread throughout the world. Today, some 150 Grand Lodges have a total membership of approximately four million Masons.
One of Freemasonry’s customs is not to solicit members. However, anyone should feel free to approach any Mason to seek further information about the Craft.
Membership is for men, 21 years of age or older, who meet the qualifications and standards of character and reputation, who are of good moral character, and who believe in the existence of a supreme being.
A man who wants to join a lodge must be recommended for by two members of that lodge. He must understand that his character will be investigated. After approval by the members of that lodge, he will be accepted as an applicant for membership in Freemasonry.
The doors of Freemasonry are open to men who seek harmony with their fellow man, feel the need for self-improvement and wish to participate in making this world a better place to live.
Any man who becomes a Mason is taught a pattern for living – reverence, morality, kindness, honesty, dependability and compassion. He must be prepared to honour his country, uphold its laws and respect those in authority. He must be prepared to maintain honourable relations with others and be willing to share in Masonic activities. Freemasonry is a way of life.
Fore more info visit Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario’s website.
Freemasons Code
Freemasonry is…
The Grand Lodge
Freemasonry is the oldest and largest world wide fraternity dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of a Supreme Being. Although of a religious nature, Freemasonry is not a religion. It urges its members, however, to be faithful and devoted to their own religious beliefs.
In our Province the governing body is called the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario. It is under the leadership of the Grand Master. He presides over the 53,000 Masons who belong to one or more of the 571 lodges in our jurisdiction. Each of these lodges is under the direction of a Worshipful Master.
Any man who becomes a Mason is taught a pattern for living; reverence – morality – kindness – honesty – dependability and compassion. He must be prepared to honour his country, uphold its laws and respect those in authority. He must be prepared to maintain honourable relations with others and be willing to share in Masonic activities. Freemasonry is a way of life.
The Grand Lodge Office
363 King Street West
Hamilton, Ontario L8P 1B4
Telephone (905) 528-8644
Website & Related Links:
Have you ever considered becoming a Mason? We’d like a chance to talk with you.
There is no higher degree in Freemasonry than a Master Mason. When a man has achieved that status he can broaden his Masonic horizons by participating in others branches if the Masonic Family.
The Order of the Eastern Star
Scottish Rite Freemasonry
Royal Arch Masonry
Knights Templar
Order of Demolay
Jobs Daugthers
Rainbow for Girls
The world’s largest fraternal organization. Today, there are more than five million Masons worldwide, and some two million in North America. They come from every walk of life, from many religions and many diverse ideologies. All believe in the existence of a Supreme Being and meet as friends and brothers, in peace and harmony. This is one of the great fascinations of Masonry and one of its great strengths.
Is Masonry a secret society?
No! It does have some modes of recognition, but most Masons do not hide their membership, or where and when they meet.
What else?
Masonry’s strength is in helping people. Every day in North America, Masons donate over two million dollars to charitable causes. In Ontario the Masonic Family donates in excess of three million dollars annually.
This is the commitment to humanity that Masons hold so dear. Most of this funding goes to those who are not Masons. Shriners operate the largest network of hospitals in North America for burned and orthopaedically impaired children, free of charge. The Scottish Rite Masons maintain a network of some 150 Childhood Language Disorder Clinics, Centres, and Programmes.
Other members of the Masonic Family sponsor a variety of philanthropies, including scholarship and bursary programmes, masons perform a variety of public service activities in their community.
The Masonic Family
The foundation of the Masonic Family is the Masonic Lodge. It is here that Masonry teaches its lessons. In Ontario, there are approximately 64,000 Masons, belonging to some 630 Lodges, in 46 Districts, governed by a Grand Lodge, having its headquarters in Hamilton. All applicants must come of their own free will. They must ask a Mason about joining, or as we say, TO BE ONE – ASK ONE.
There is no higher degree in Freemasonry than that of Master Mason. When a man has achieved that status he can broaden his Masonic horizons by participation in other branches of the Masonic Family, such as; Scottish Rite, York Rite and the Shrine.
For over two centuries the Scottish Rite has been the medium for many Master Masons to reflect on their understanding of their relationship in their faith, to their fellow man and themselves. It enables Master masons to add to their Masonic knowledge and to witness colourful Scottish Rite ‘degrees’ which are dramatic presentations portraying the philosophy of Freemasonry.
The Scottish Rite (ritual) delves further into Masonic teachings and is meant to provide more insight into living amore meaningful way of life for a Master Mason and his family. It also includes enjoying the friendships and associating with a larger and wider cross-section of like-minded men and their families.
In Canada the Scottish Rite, through their Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation, provides generous research grants and bursaries toward the finding of causes, prevention and treatment of all forms of dementia and mental incapacities including Alzheimer’s Disease.
The York Rite gives an elaboration on teachings of the Masonic Lodge. This Rite is divided into several bodies including Holy Royal Arch, and the Preceptory.
On your journey through the three degrees of Masonry, you would have learned the proficiency lecture for each degree. Many questions would have arisen concerning the meaning of the ceremonies, the historical implications and the ‘why’ of the legends of Freemasonry. Most students of Freemasonry agree that the story of the Craft as presented in the three degrees is incomplete and that the degrees offered in the Holy Royal Arch of the York Rite of Freemasonry complete the story and answer many of the questions in the mind of the newly made Master Mason. In the Holy Royal Arch of Jerusalem is found the essentials of symbolism and philosophy necessary for a Master Mason to understand that which he has received.
The Shriners are known for their colourful parades, circuses, and clowns. But there is also a serious side to this international fraternity of approximately 500,000 men belonging to 191 Shrine Centres, throughout North America. For over 80 years, the Shrine has operated a network of specialized hospitals that treat children with orthopedic problems, burns and spinal cord injuries, up to their 18th birthday, at no cost to them. The Shrine was founded in 1872 by a group of 13 men belonging to the Masonic Order.
It was originally established to provide fun and fellowship for its members. But as the organization grew, its members decided to dedicate their efforts to helping others by establishing an official Shrine philanthropy – a network of 22 specialized hospitals that have provided expert medical care to more than 600,000 children. Since the first Shriners’ Hospital opened in 1922, the Shrine has supported what has come to be known as: the “World’s Greatest Philanthropy”. The best-known symbol of Shrinedom is the distinctive red Fez that the Shriners wear at official functions. Because Shriners are men who enjoy life, fun is a large part of the Shrine and the activities that help support the Shrine’s philanthropy. Most Shrine Centres sponsor Shrine clubs and special units, such as the motor corps, band or clown units and many other units of interest. They share in the camaraderie, deep friendships and good fellowship that are all part of being a Mason and a Shriner.
The Knights Templar is an Order formed in 1118. Their mission was to protect travelers on the roads to the Holy Land. In short order the Templars blossomed to a very large organization.
Their mission today is to enhance the Masonic virtues of faith, hope and charity, supported by wisdom, strength and beauty, adding the chivalric principles of the Crusades of honour, duty and courage, so that the results will be in harmony with our Masonic beliefs.
For Other Family Members
The Masonic Family also includes many bodies where other family members can participate, such as:
· The Order of the Eastern Star,
· The Daughters of the Nile,
· Ladies of the Oriental Shrine.
For young men, The Order of DeMolay, For young ladies, The International Order’s of Rainbow for Girls, and Job’s Daughters. All of these Orders are based on the Masonic themes expressed in this brochure.
What next?
Freemasonry offers much to oneself – the opportunity to improve and make a difference, and to help build a better world for all mankind. It offers the chance for fellowship and to work with men who have similar values and ideals.
It’s easy to find out more. If you know a Mason, ask him.